Friday, August 7, 2009

How many infringements may I have before my account is deleted?

Good afternoon!

I've got a channel in Youtube, and I've got some infringements.

I already saw some acconts being deleted, and I wanna know how many I may have before my one be deleted as well!

I've got one warning, one video blocked in some countries and another one deleted.

Can you tell me it?

I hope you all have a good life!

BTW: I'm sorry for my English!
How many infringements may I have before my account is deleted?
I got one account suspended year ago.

One for inappropiate video, one for music, etc. I'm going to assume approximately a few times. When you have a ton of stuff like TV episodes or music videos on your account, that'll go by really fast. And I think the rules said, during profile registration, that you have only a few chances. Can you remember?
Reply:If you have to ask, then you have too many. :-)

There's probably not an exact number, and if there were, Google (YouTube) probably isn't going to tell you. You should try reading the terms of use and only uploading videos that you own, rather than uploading copyrighted material in hopes that you won't get caught. If the problem is with objectionable content (rather than copyright infringements) then you should read the terms of use more carefully to make sure your video doesn't violate them.

If you're in a legal gray area, you should hire a lawyer to help you determine what your rights are. Don't ask the internet, there are no lawyers here, and the ones that are here know enough to keep their mouths shut. :-)

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